Suffering from

Let's talk.

Free 45 min sessions

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You're not alone.

For many people covid is just a temporary annoyance, but for many others it is a life changing illness. Long covid can be so unrelenting and the symptoms different for each person. Having gone through it myself, there were weeks where I could not get out of bed. The anxiety was through the roof and the pain was excruciating. No matter how many times I was assured "it would get better" I did not believe it. Thankfully I was wrong and I have slowly gotten better!

With this new found energy, I'm offering free 45-minute sessions to support those who are experiencing long covid. I'm also open to supporting primary caretakers. Though I'm not a licensed professional, I've worked on crisis hotlines and I'm currently in school to become a therapist. I've been told I'm a great listener!

How does this work?

You schedule a time.
I send you a link.
We talk. (Or do whatever would be helpful)
It's that easy.

We can use this space for just about anything. Venting, moral support, and chit-chat helped me the most. If none of the available slots work for you, please email me to schedule another time. I'd really like a way to support you.

While I am offering a space to listen, this is not therapy. I am not a therapist. I am just a human being providing a listening ear to another human being. Please seek mental health services from a licensed professional and medical advice from your doctor.

About me

Hi, I'm Michelle! I got covid for the second time in January 2022. What was initially just some mild symptoms turned into my worst nightmare. Before long covid I was an avid runner, cyclist, and gym rat. When I was really sick, I could barely walk up the stairs without feeling like my heart would explode. Even though I was lucky to have friends and family to count on, I still felt the most isolated I had ever been. Everyone else was moving forward with their lives while I was stuck in bed struggling to breathe. I spent hours upon hours doom scrolling forums and support groups. I tried every suggestion under the sun, yet nothing seemed to work. It was horrifying to not know what was happening with my body.

While I am not fully recovered yet, I am now much better. I just started going back to the gym and can go on mile long runs. I wish I could tell you what worked. Time and patience seemed to be the only remedy. I understand how hard it can be to reach out, so I'd like to be a resource for you.